herbst education

Typical! Like clay, we have always put ourselves through “homeland stencils” into “identity stereotypes,” and yet: we have never really felt at home in these cliché pigeonholes. Perhaps the time is ripe for a new look at homeland and belonging, as well as for recognizing how identity is collectively created in complex networks.

At least, this is what we are trying to achieve in the education events for Horror Patriae—in a less complex but still collective manner.


This year, the headquarters of herbst education are located in the herbst café, opposite Neue Galerie Graz.

herbst café
Neutorgasse 44
8010 Graz

For inquiries or events in languages other than German and for people with disabilities, please contact education [​at​] steirischerherbst.at or +43 316 823 007 89.

Formats for the exhibition Horror Patriae

Formats for the exhibition Kunst Heimat Kunst Revisited