ORF musikprotokoll 2024 Spaces of Freedom 3.10.–6.10., Graz Wendelin Pressl, Globe (2004), courtesy of the artist Open spaces are spaces of possibility. Music as a form of expression and entertainment needs these spaces to ...
Ö1 Podcast
Ö1 Podcast Seit 2020 wird der steirische herbst von einem Ö1 Festivalpodcast begleitet, der die Künstler:innen und Autor:innen zu den Themen des Festivals befragt. Hier können Sie alle Episoden nachhören. steirischer herbst ...
esc medien kunst labor ​WHO IS PLAYING WITH US?
What is at stake? Who is playing along? The exhibition ranges from play as a creative engagement with the world, playing with reality to forms of propaganda and manipulation. It ...
Ö1 Klassik-Treffpunkt
A special highlight is Ö1 Klassik-Treffpunkt, which is broadcast live in front of an audience. Elke Tschaikner’s guests include several festival artists, such as the Ukrainian singer and conductor Viktoriia ...
Ö1 Festival Podcast
Ö1 is once again accompanying steirischer herbst with a festival podcast. Ö1 editors report on events, talk to artists, and explore how the festival affects the city of Graz. Building ...
This year, 350 project proposals from 58 countries were submitted to the CTM Radio Lab on the topic of “sustain.” An international jury selected two of them: MAPS: Electronic Resonances ...
Tickets Tickets for Horror Patriae performances and herbst cabaret shows are available at the herbst café, at oeticket offices all over Austria, and in our webshop. Webshop Tue–Sun 10:00–18:00 +43 316 81 60 70 tickets ...