Thomas Bernhardʼs Home (2019)

Never has there been a more vivid critic of Austria and its mentality than Thomas Bernhard (1931–1989). The writer never tired of revealing the dark sides of life in the Austrian Heimat (homeland) with deep sarcasm and a biting sense of irony. Yet, Bernhard, a notorious recluse and confirmed bachelor, had another side, too. After his death, it was discovered that he had placed great care in decorating his residence to create his own private Austria, an exaggerated version of Heimat. The perfectly detailed dollhouse-like interiors evoke the imaginary life of a country squire. But there were no guests to drink the choice selection of spirits or wear the many slippers, nor did Bernhard ever use the decorative hunting rifles.

Photos: Hertha Hurnaus

© Hertha Hurnaus, book publication Thomas Bernhard Hab & Gut