Emmy Hiesleitner-Singer

​Card Index Box (1918)

For his vision of the Folk Life Museum as a holistic representation of a way of life, Viktor Geramb (1884–1958) rejected the use of classical museum vitrines. Instead, he collaborated with professional artists who received detailed commissions to build and paint allegedly authentic folklore closets, buffets, and boxes. This box was created by Emmy Hiesleitner-Singer (1884, Voitsberg, Austria-Hungary–1980, Graz), one of several women artists close to Geramb. Originally known for her Symbolist landscapes, she illustrated three books by regional poet and Nazi sympathizer Hans Kloepfer (1867–1944). She did the same for Geramb’s own book of Styrian fairy tales, which was sharply criticized by the Nazis for being too local and not Pan-German enough. In this complex context, Hiesleitner-Singer was exhibited and appreciated by the Nazis, while only appearing in traditional Styrian Tracht in public until the end of her life.

Oil on wood, 27 × 54 × 19 cm

Folk Life Museum at the Paulustor / Universalmuseum Joanneum