Wolf Gössler

Wettkampf der Künste (Kunstpreis 1976) (Paragone (Art Prize 1976), undated)

Wolf Gössler (1944, St. Martin am Wöllmißberg, Greater German Reich–2018, Graz) was known in Graz as a Franciscan monk and sculptor who mainly dealt with mystic themes in traditional wood carving. This enigmatic painting—unique in his work—shows a contest in which representatives of the Wiener Festwochen and steirischer herbst are facing each other in their respective colors: red and white for Vienna, green for Styria. The capital and the province are considered equals.

A caption on the back of the painting characterizes the judges, who are depicted as blind, as “impartial.” Among them are (in translation) “Cultural Editor Chief Dramaturge Gallery Director and First Leader of the Dance Dipl. Ing. Dipl. Psych. Dr. Prof. Nobel Laureate Candidate Luis Bartout” and “Trade Union Chairman Forest Engineer Gymnastics Professor Member of the Federal Council Dr. h. c. Hias Ademokratikos.”

Oil on wood, ca. 35 × 63 cm

Neue Galerie Graz / Universalmuseum Joanneum