Haus lebt 2024
Greetings from the Past

Temporary cultural center

In a neglected historic building, historical excavations and visions of the future merge into a symbiotic present. Archaeological excavations reveal a network of fungi, stories, and links that have colonized the building over the past 300 years. This creates unexpected points of contact for new narratives across epochs. The dilapidated structural fabric no longer marks the end of a long decline but the origin of previously untold stories. Archaeological remains, microbial life, and clay—the building itself reduced to its essence—become a fertile resource for utopias in which the imaginative and the tangible intermingle.

Visitors embark on a (also culinary) journey through the puff pastry of time—following not historical linearity but brushing history against the grain.

A cooperation in the context of steirischer herbst ’24


Michaeligasse 10
8230 Hartberg

Free admission (voluntary donation)

Artists: Leonie Bramberger, Simon Brugner, Florian Gantner, Johannes Gruber, Serena Lee, Aki Namba, Simon Oberhammer, Anna Orbanic, Leo Riegler, and others

Curated by Simon Brugner

Cocurated by Aki Namba

19.9., 20.9., 19:00

Text: Johannes Gruber
Director: Simon Brugner
Stage design: Simon Brugner, Leo Riegler
Performers: Traude Brugner, Henriette Prantl-Pieber und weitere
Live music: Alfred Lang, Leo Riegler

21.9., 9:00–13:00
Fermentation workshop
With Wolfgang Zemanek

21.9., 19:00
Dominik Flammer
Geschichte der Nutzbarmachung von Milchsäurebakterien (History of the Use of Lactic Acid Bacteria)

21.9., 20:00
Bacteria tasting
Live music: Tobias Lugitsch

21.9., 21:00

22.9., 11:15
Greetings from the Past
Tour with Simon Brugner and Aki Namba

22.9., 12:30
Serena Lee
Two Windows at Once

22.9., 13:45
Florian Gantner
Ein Kompetenzsimulant zieht ein (A Competence Simulator Moves In)
A story for Haus lebt 2024

A cooperation in the context of steirischer herbst ’24